What is your IQ?

Have you ever wondered what is your IQ? If so, you have an opportunity to check it, and learn if your IQ is closer to Einstein, or maybe blonde? You have great chance to do it online, staying in front of your computer. You need to know, that this test was prepared by Václav Fořtík, chairman of MENSA International in 2003-2007. This is a guarantee of high reliability.

Every test consists of 30 questions. Answer honestly and do it on your own. Don’t cheat – it’s the only way to learn your real IQ. Your answers won’t be disclosed to anyone else – you are the only person who will learn your results.

To start IQ test click HERE.

After completing the test evaluate your IQ results basing on the following comparison:
> 148
extremely high intelligence
133 – 148
high intelligence
117 – 132
above the average intelligence
84 – 116
average intelligence
68 – 83
below the average intelligence
Less than 68
mental disabilities

To start IQ test click HERE.

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